
Relentless Farmers

Relentless Farmers

Like you and so many across the west coast, we are dealing with the challenging reality of forest fire season. The hazy days briefly trick my brain into thinking it’s just another beautiful foggy fall day on the Olympic Peninsula. Here on the farm we are doing our best to prioritize our employees’ health while providing food for our community.Although this...

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Killdeer at Work

Killdeer at Work

Lately I have really been appreciating the killdeer that grace our farm fields. Killdeer are a small brown and white bird with dark bands across its chest, long legs, and a long thin beak. Perhaps best known for their practice of performing a broken-wing charade to distract predators from their nest, their piercing call is also very distinctive. They seem to travel...

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Summer Tomatoes Meet Autumn Squash

Summer Tomatoes Meet Autumn Squash

Happy September! Time to do all the summer things you wanted to do in the next couple weeks: eat a watermelon, go swimming, make jam, let your toes out of your boots, find a friend with a boat and get on it! Feels like the tomatoes just started to ripen and I thought, “Ah, summer is here.” Now I’m sitting by the wood stove wondering if it’s too early to make a...

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Easy Dip Ideas

Easy Dip Ideas

Late summer is the perfect time to dip into the world of dips. With autumn seemingly in the air but temperatures still high, we’re all taking as many dips in our local swimming holes as we can. And upon returning from a long day of fun in the sun to a stuffy house and a fridge full of delicious Red Dog veggies, who would want to stand over their oven making a hot...

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Moving Pipes and Packing Produce

Moving Pipes and Packing Produce

Hello, readers! My name is Sean. I worked at Red Dog Farm in 2016 and 2017, and I am happy to be back!The farm day starts a little differently for me than it did before. Usually a drive down the dusty farm road settles me in before I walk to the pack shed, where I might see farm dog Maggie waiting for Karyn, looking forward to seeing what they will do that day. When...

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Summer, Tomatoes, and an Easy Balsamic Reduction

Summer, Tomatoes, and an Easy Balsamic Reduction

Normally here, I’d like to write about goings on out in the field, and include some amusing anecdote followed by a recipe. Unfortunately, I’ve been out of the field for a time, nursing a torn tendon in my ankle. Chances are, however, that the tender and juicy green beans you are receiving this week were bagged by yours truly. The crew wanders in and out of the...

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