Relentless Farmers

Relentless Farmers

Like you and so many across the west coast, we are dealing with the challenging reality of forest fire season. The hazy days briefly trick my brain into thinking it’s just another beautiful foggy fall day on the Olympic Peninsula. Here on the farm we are doing our best to prioritize our employees’ health while providing food for our community.

Although this time has brought many problems to be solved, I can’t help but to be inspired by farmers everywhere and their relentless drive to handle anything thrown at them. When unforeseen variables come into play at unpredictable times in the season, farmers have to be creative. We often rewrite the playbook overnight, we do it all the time.

If rain is looming and the onions need to be harvested, we make adjustments. If a plant is stunted or bothered by pests or disease, we come up with a plan. When tractors break down and send production to a screeching halt, we spend late hours in the shop fixing them. I could go on. During this particular time I have seen farmers talking to other farmers, sharing knowledge, tools, resources and anything they can in order for everyone to be safe and successful.

Throughout my time farming I have gained so many practical skills related to growing vegetables, tending animals, and fixing things. For these skills I am grateful. But it is the farmer’s relentless, creative, generous way of dealing with adversity that has proven to be the most valuable and will stick with me forever. 
