A Well-Timed Strawberry Moon

A Well-Timed Strawberry Moon

Summer is here and the farm is going OFF! We are now stocking strawberries, frisee, and romaine, green leaf, and red butter lettuces in the Farmstand as well as at the Saturday and Sunday farmers markets. The best thing to happen this year, in my opinion, is that the strawberries became ripe in time for the Strawberry Moon this past Saturday, and not late like last year. Thank goodness we weren’t stuck in the rainy cold gloom for an extra-long time this year! A lot of us at the farm have established our home gardens with plant starts, and things are growing so fast that the magic has officially returned to everyone who wants to grow their own produce and flowers.

As I write this newsletter on Monday, our upcoming CSA share for this week is not yet totally finalized, but I have been told that CSA members will definitely receive strawberries and salad mix in their shares. One of my favorite things to make during summer is kompot, a homemade fruit juice drink, so here is a simple recipe for it.
