
Grandfather Beans

Grandfather Beans

More gnarled fingers than my own turned the pages then In a smaller woodland garden Under the late afternoon web-shadow of a high electric fenceBattling to keep the darn deer out My grandfather never swore, except when the temple was breached He would ask me to watch how he found the greenest beans Never rushing on his bucket-throneI would reach...

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Fun With Peas & Broccolini!

Fun With Peas & Broccolini!

Thanks to David Conklin for the photo of Eddy! We hope you are relishing in the abundance of summer and enjoying the fresh produce that our farm has to offer. As the summer sun shines upon us, our fields are flourishing with a variety of vibrant produce. Here are some fun facts about two delicious items coming your way this week – sugar snap peas and...

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Strawberry Moon

Strawberry Moon

Thanks to David Conklin for the photo of Paige, Marina, and Hannah talking strawberry harvest! To me, Red Dog Farm’s June seemed marked by alignments. Our season’s first strawberry harvest fell upon the Summer Solstice; the Sun paid us its longest visit as our crew laughed and filled pints with red berries. Then, an unusually full moon followed the longest day. I’m...

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Summer and the Growth of Fruits, Veggies and People

Summer and the Growth of Fruits, Veggies and People

Summer is here and there is no better time to be on a farm than now! Personally, I find June to be a very exciting month. The weather teases us of what’s to come in July and the crops’ growth seems to accelerate by the day. The snap peas are plump and the strawberries a vibrant red. Cilantro and dill have sprouted from the soil. Cauliflower heads are on the...

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The Roads We Drive On

The Roads We Drive On

According to the Federal Highway Administration, the oldest constructed road dated back to about 4000 B.C. in the Mesopotamian cities of Ur and Babylon using mud bricks and bitumen (a natural sticky black substance used in asphalt). In Glastonbury, the Ancient Isle of Avalon in Somerset, England, they discovered that timber roads were used in a swampy area....

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June is for Dreaming 

June is for Dreaming 

The other day, my coworker Veronica caught me smiling to myself while tenderly tucking a teenage tomato plant into his new spot for the season. I was pretty embarrassed to be caught looking like a ding-dong, but I couldn’t help it – it had a sunny little yellow flower already! That tiny bloom sucked me into a dreamy state filled with thoughts of fresh salsas,...

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