Polish Kompot

Polish Kompot

4 ¼ cups water
¼ cup rhubarb
1 cup Red Dog strawberries
¼ cup ripe (soft) nectarine
1/6 cup sugar
½ Tbsp. citrus zest
Mint to taste

In a medium pot, boil the water and add the sugar, then lower temp to a simmer and add raw rhubarb. Simmer for 6 minutes and then add nectarine and strawberries and simmer for an additional 4 minutes. Take off heat and cool down. Refrigerate for several hours at least and then add citrus zest and mint prior to serving.

If using canned fruits, then reduce the amount of sugar added and time spent simmering, as canned fruits have additional sugars and are already cooked. Kompot is perfect for experimentation with different fruits and different amounts of varied fruits. Keep in mind that harder fruits such as apples and rhubarb and very firm/less ripened fruits such as pears and nectarines take 10 minutes to simmer, and soft fruits like berries and fully ripened/softened fruits take 4 minutes to simmer.