Salt-Crusted Potatoes with Cilantro Mojo

Salt-Crusted Potatoes with Cilantro Mojo

Serves 3.

Salt-Crusted Potatoes
1 pound evenly sized Red Dog new potatoes, scrubbed but unpeeled
Sea salt flakes

Cilantro Mojo
2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
1/2 green chili pepper, seeded and chopped
Leaves from 1/2 bunch Red Dog cilantro, roughly chopped
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground cumin seeds
Scant 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar, Muscatel if possible

Put the potatoes into a wide, shallow pan in which they fit in a single layer. Add 1 tablespoon salt and 1/2 quart cold water (just enough to cover), bring to a boil, and leave to boil rapidly until the water has evaporated. Then turn the heat to low and continue to cook for a few minutes, gently turning the potatoes over occasionally, until they are dry and the skins are wrinkled and covered in a thin crust of salt.

While the potatoes are cooking, make the cilantro mojo. Put the garlic, green chili pepper, and 1 teaspoon salt in a mortar, and pound into a paste. Add the cilantro leaves, and pound until they are incorporated into the paste. Add the cumin, and gradually mix in the oil to make a smooth sauce. Just before serving, add the vinegar, and spoon into a small bowl.

Pile the hot potatoes onto a plate and serve with the mojo, instructing your guests to rub off as much salt from the potatoes as they wish before dipping them in the sauce.