Potatoes with Cream, Corn and Dill

2 lbs. Red Dog Farm potatoes
2 ears Red Dog Farm Sweet Corn, sliced off cob
1 cup thick cream
Handful fresh Dill
Salt and pepper to taste

Wash potatoes but do not peel. Place clean potatoes in a steamer basket over water and bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover and let boil gently until potatoes are tender and easily pierced with a knife. When done, remove potatoes and slice in half into a serving bowl. Place freshly cut corn in a saucepan with a 1/3 cup water. Bring to a boil and cook for just a minute or two. Drain and add corn to the potatoes. Garnish with plenty of fresh dill. Drizzle the vegetables with the cream, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve warm or at room temperature.