Knowledge and Wisdom on the Farm
Coming to the farm this year, I knew I would be learning a lot about farming. That was kind of the point. My background being in nutrition and farmers markets, I wanted to dive head/hands first into the growing and sourcing of organic food. I expected to learn how to grow food, but I didn’t expect all of the others ways in which I would learn on the farm. It’s immensely valuable to watch and participate while we all learn from our farmer and managers – the transmission of knowledge and wisdom. There are other less tangible ways in which I am finding we all learn: to cultivate gratitude together, to learn to listen to the plants and give them what they need. And, most beautifully, to feel the resonance of hearts on the farm. There’s also the experience of learning to roll with the punches, to quite literally smile at the storm (or the heat wave). It’s hard to explain the value of getting dirt so deep under your nails that you wonder if you’ll ever get it out. As you all understand, knowing where your food comes from is so empowering. What a blessing to be in such a fertile valley with a thriving farming community!
What I knew coming into this season at Red Dog? A whole lot about the nutrients these fruits, herbs, roots, and other vegetables provide. Those golden beets in your CSA? Magic for your gallbladder (pro tip: eat the greens, too!). The cauliflower and cabbage? A great source of sulfur for liver detox. Raspberries? Good for the
soul. 🙂
We all have so much to learn from one another and from the land that nourishes us. I know I love learning from some of you discussing recipe ideas at markets! Keep ‘em coming, and we’ll provide the ingredients.