Fava Beans with Chard and Egg

Fava Beans with Chard and Egg

Serves 2-3.

1 lb. shelled Red Dog fava beans
1 yellow onion
1 clove garlic
1 bunch Red Dog chard or 1 bag Red Dog spinach
Olive oil
Salt, pepper, chilli flakes
Freshly grated parmesan cheese
2-3 eggs (one per person)

Boil some water in a pot. Shell the beans and add them to the water, blanch for 2-3 minutes, drain, put under cold running water, and take them out of their skins.

Cut the chard stems thinly, and cut leaves into smaller pieces. Slice the onion thinly and mince the garlic. Add shelled beans. 

Heat some olive oil in a pan, add onion and cook until translucent, then add garlic. After a minute add chard stems and fava beans, cook for two minutes, add the chard leaves, and let them wilt. Add salt, pepper and chili flakes.

Fry the eggs at the same time in a different pan.

Put the fava/chard mixture into 2-3 bowls and top with parmesan and an egg.