
Pumpkin Soup & and Ode to Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Soup & and Ode to Pumpkin Pie

Hello CSA members! Today we are bulking out all of our pumpkin harvest, which means we are harvesting it ALL! This week in your share you will be getting 1 each, and I have a poem for ya! ~Reuben The PumpkinJohn Greenleaf Whittier (1844) Oh, greenly and fair in the lands of the sun,The vines of the gourd and the rich melon run,And the rock and the tree and the...

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Welcoming September

Welcoming September

On Sunday, someone came up to me at the Chimacum Farmers Market and mentioned how quiet it was. The sun had just tucked itself into a cloud and mist filled the space between us, and I agreed – it was calm and relaxed, a stillness that I’d forgotten about. It’s like a gulp of air after diving deep underwater, or a gentle plateau at the top of a...

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Outdoor Adventures with Veggies

Outdoor Adventures with Veggies

In my time at Red Dog Farm I have done a lot of exploring in Olympic National Park and National Forest. While I am out on my adventures I almost always bring fresh veggies from the farm with me. As the seasons have changed from spring to summer and now starting to turn to fall, I have been eating different vegetables in different beautiful places.  Before I...

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Pics & Puns from the Fields

What do you call a strawberry in math? A berry-able! These heirloom tomatoes are on a Hot Streak.  Lord Cukeington (Emma) harvesting a gorgeous slicer! Lettuce know if you love lettuce puns. It’s corn o’clock! Let’s bake a beet-za for dinner. My friends hate my herb puns. Don’t know what their dill is. How did the vegetables ask to be paid more? Lettuce have a...

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Tomato Taste Test

Tomato Taste Test

After a lot of tending, planting, pruning, weeding, watering, waiting… We are officially in tomato harvest season! We’ve got the usual Big Beef slicing tomatoes, a classic, as well as our outdoor Sungolds (my personal favorite summer snack) starting to produce fruit. And, in all their colorful glory, we’ve got a wide variety of heirloom tomatoes this season....

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Moving Irrigation

Moving Irrigation

We all know that water is an essential part of farming. But knowing about irrigation and seeing it in practice are two different things. As straightforward as it seems to move water from point A to points B, C, and D, irrigation has many moving pieces. Literally. It’s a dynamic world, finicky and imperfect. And a fun one. A silly one. A satisfying one. And...

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