Eat your carrots! Is that a familiar phrase from your childhood? It’s true, carrots are exceptionally good for you. Vitamin A helps prevent vision loss; antioxidants protect from cancer; and beta-carotene reduces risk of heart disease. In addition they are touted to boost immune system function, improve skin, improve digestion, detoxify the body, and provide a whole...
Read MoreAfter my complaining last week of all the breakdowns and effort it takes to get going, this past week we definitely switched gears from getting going to going strong! The farm has been a flurry of activity. We had two new crew members join us- Corey and Lizz, for a total of ten of us busily buzzing around the farm. Blake got trained up on tractor driving and has...
Read MoreI was talking to John, tractor and maintenance lead, the other day. We were discussing yet another recent equipment breakdown and lamenting how things always seem to breakdown in the spring, just when we need them. He made the observation that in general, it is harder to get going than to keep going. Like in the spring, we suddenly bring dozens of pieces of...
Read MoreThere are many aspects of farming that require commitment, dedication, and even devotion, but none so intensely as growing tulips. Sure, it starts innocently enough: On a fine fall day before the rains have come, we plant the bulbs. With three people, it is a job that can easily be done in a morning. A coveted task even, as the rest of the crew hauls in heavy loads...
Read MoreHave you met our pal raab? Our friend raab is a flowery fella’ with a funny name. He never would hurt a fly, plays with the birds and the bees, and smells good at the end of a long day in the field. He hardly does much work at all but he battles the elements better than us farmers, because of which he’s mighty hearty and always healthy! Talking is not his strong...
Read MoreWhile every season has its triumphs and challenges, over the years I have found that the best predictor of how successful a season goes is how well the crew works together. This year, I am thrilled to be working with such quality, fun and skilled individuals. Many of these folks have been around for a couple years, but everyone is in a new role to them this season....
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