
Looking Forward to Planning Next Season

Looking Forward to Planning Next Season

Somehow it’s November already, which means we have about one more month on the farm before we begin transitioning to yet another season. In the midst of bringing in the last of the winter storage crops, our focus will begin shifting toward the successes and failures of 2019 and planning for 2020. This is a process that I always look forward to, because we finally...

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Veggies and Conversation Flow from the Fields

Veggies and Conversation Flow from the Fields

November! Another month has been taken from us yet again. Swept away in a sea of harvesting, delivering, cleanup, washing, packing, planning, and navigating the frost that descends on us some mornings. Our crew is shrinking now that some of our summer-season crew have left for new adventures. But we still head to the field equipped with knives and crates and stories...

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Return of the Trumpeter Swans

Return of the Trumpeter Swans

Here at the farm, some of us would consider ourselves birdwatchers­. (Maggie, the farm dog is more into chasing them down as they rest and feed in open fields, however.) This time of year, many of us are excited about the return of trumpeter swans. To classify this swan, look for an entirely white body with a black bill and black legs. These swans are the largest...

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Loving Our Farmers Markets, Rain or Shine

Loving Our Farmers Markets, Rain or Shine

I was originally only committed to work at Red Dog until the end of October, so this could have been a sappy end of (my) farming season reflection, but I’ve recently taken on the role of farmers market lead. This extends my work contract, and my reflection on this whole farming thing, through the middle of December. When I was interviewed and first expressed...

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Reflecting on a Year of Farm-Fresh Food

Reflecting on a Year of Farm-Fresh Food

If you were to wander into the fields of Red Dog Farm you’d probably hear us talking about food. Yes, obviously, we talk about food all the time. We grow food, after all. But we also cook a lot of food, partially because of our access to some of the best produce in the world, and also because we love to eat. I’m currently in my last week of work at Red Dog, after 2...

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Racing the Frost for Squash

Racing the Frost for Squash

What does 15,000 pounds of winter squash look like? Yesterday we got to find out. We’ve been harvesting small quantities of winter squash for the last few weeks, but once we heard the frost was coming, we had to pull as much squash out of the field as possible to keep it from freezing. The squash harvest was an all-hands, all-day event, and all other projects...

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