I love Fall. The shorter days dictate more rest. The seasonal foods assure hardy comfort. The blustery weather encourages wool sweaters, book reading and craft projects. What’s not to love?! One food that most symbolizes fall to me is the pumpkin. One of my goals this fall is to make (and eat) more pumpkin pie! It’s the easiest pie to make and practically a health...
Read MoreAs much as I love my sweet red midsize SUV that gets me to work in the morning, takes me adventuring on the weekends, and brought me here all the way from the east coast, there’s nothing like a farm truck. I didn’t know what I had been missing out on until I met Red Dog’s beautiful fleet of multicolored trucks that are consistently muddy and worn, finicky yet...
Read MoreCertain vegetables just have something special. Maybe I’m partial, but fall harvests have me giddy with all the ways they give freely to us. It’s easy to forget just how much time and effort we as farmers have put into a crop by the time it’s harvested and ready to eat! Take our winter squash, for example. It took a giant crew, huge fields and lots of planning to...
Read MoreWhen life gives you a bad tulip year… you make it a standout squash year!!! I remember a few short months ago we were disappointed by an underwhelming spring tulip yield, a time of year where we are craving growth and bounty. But we shan’t dwell on that too much because luckily we don’t put all our eggs in one basket, we put our eggs in a hundred different baskets!...
Read MoreAs this summer fades and fall and winter approach, I am filled with a melancholy. The days become ever shorter, the nights longer and colder, and the friends I have made on the farm begin to take their leaves for their winter lives. Some I plan to see again next season, some I never will. Change, ironically one of the only constants in life, has never sat well with...
Read MoreWhen you spend your time pulling carrots out of the ground during a heat wave, or cutting salad mix as the wind tries (and succeeds) to steal the leaves from your fingers like it did during last Friday’s storms, it’s impossible not to become close with the folks who are working alongside you. Since I moved across the country to work at Red Dog just four short months...
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