As the crew hurriedly and with great haste hustles to harvest the bounty that is a September harvest, it is also a time to hustle to finish up projects before the rains come! September is the great intersection of summer and fall: where sweet juicy tomatoes sit next your beets on a dinner plate, where the fog sits heavy in the valley in those sweet cool mornings,...
Read MoreSeptember is a pivotal month on the farm. With the harvest moon rising this Saturday, we’re in the last month of our high-production season. We’re still swimming in strawberries: while our crew’s been hustling to pick them all, the squash have been steadily growing underneath their big green vines and are, suddenly, everywhere—decorating the farm in green, orange,...
Read MoreWhen most people think of hiking food, they imagine trail mix, energy bars, and PBJ sandwiches. I’d like to suggest that veggies can also make excellent trail food. Hiking is a thirsty endeavor, and sometimes plain old water doesn’t quite quench the thirst of someone who’s been active in the sun for hours. But there’s nothing more refreshing...
Read MoreHello, end of August! Time has flown by this season and with only a week(ish) left before September and the onset of fall, it truly feels like this summer was too short. But working on the farm, feeling the heat of the sun, makes me reflect and be thankful for the opportunity to be part of a wonderful crew. All who make their way to Red Dog Farm, whether they’ve...
Read MoreHello CSA fam, Well, we’ve made it – ‘tis the season of abundance! Almost every field here at the farm is full right now of growing veggies. Some are new successions of young greens like spinach and arugula that we will harvest for our delicious salad and spicy mixes. Others are growing big and tall like our corn (probably a few weeks out), onions, kale…lots of...
Read MoreWorking on the farm feels to me like working in an art museum. Around every corner, in every row, and under every leaf there is something beautiful hiding, and the longer you look at it, the more you’ll see. Tomatoes peeking out from underneath the greenhouse tarps show us their rainbow from green to red as they ripen, growing heavy and bright on the vine. The green...
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