A Perfect Blending of the Seasons
Springtime, really April, is my favorite time to be a farmer. Maybe because it’s my birthday month or the reappearance of sunshine that makes me think we might have made it out of the dark season, but I really just feel like a spring chicken. I feel energized, optimistic about the season, and ready to pick kale until my hands fall off. Bring it on, 2021!
We have already welcomed three new people into our ever-growing crew – all making a seamless transition into the hustle and bustle of farm work. We have new plants growing in the greenhouse, waiting to be transplanted, while we harvest plants from last season, such as purple sprouting broccoli and kale raab. This week’s CSA share is a perfect blending of the seasons, with over-wintered PSB and young pea greens both on your plate. The old, the strong and the gritty with the new, tender and sprouting – yum!
These days when I am not harvesting I have been really enjoying maintaining and keeping up with hand weeding and hoeing in our greenhouses. It is a brief moment in time where harvest is at an annual low, and I find myself in other nooks and crannies of the farm, enjoying simpler, slower moments of tending to plants. The tractors are chasing each other across the fields, production greenhouses are filling up, irrigation is set up, strawberries are pruned, and last year’s kale will be mowed soon. It shall be a great season, y’all!