CSA Newsletter 10/10/18- “Squash Superbowl”
Recently at Red Dog Farm we just had our “Squash Superbowl” come early. An overnight temperature drop suggested that it’s time for our squash to be harvested and organized into storage bins. So there we were, first thing in the morning, still waiting to wake with the sun, accompanied by frozen fingers and ready to harvest most of our squash. We began this feat, not actually forced by anyone, but rather dictated by the weather from the night before. Thanks to a little hard work and positive attitudes our crew was able to tackle the squash and continue to power through the remaining harvest list for the day. Fortunately, not all crops are prone to frost damage and, in fact, some get even better.
With colder average temperatures some crops such as leeks, carrots, beets, broccoli and other members of the cabbage family noticeably improve in flavor. It’s the time of year when some crops get sweeter, some finally ripen, and others gain heartiness. For those that do not get better with the colder temperatures, we will keep an eye on them as the weather changes and temperatures dip towards freezing levels. Until then, we wait for the weather to decide our next move: eager and excited, always ready for the unexpected.
– Blake