Welcome to the 2018 CSA season! All of us at the farm are excited to start off another season, which really seems to kick off this week with the beginning of both CSA and Saturday Farmer’s Market. Although the weather is dreary, and the fields never seem to dry out fast enough, luckily we have a few tricks up our sleeve to be sure everyone experiences spring through...
Read MoreThis warm, sunny weather has more than just us farmers humming to ourselves. Our local feathered friends also seem to be mighty content with themselves. A gulp of barn swallows (yes, that really is the name for a group of swallows!) has taken up residence in the eastern eaves of our barn. There are currently seven nests in that particular neighborhood, with 14 busy...
Read Morehas been yet another fabulous farm week! This past week we welcomed a new crew member, Jillian. Jillian just moved here from Bend, Oregon where she was working as a ski instructor. She also very recently graduated from Cal Poly Tech, where she studied nutrition and got her hands dirty working at the college’s Organic Farm. Jillian was drawn to Port Townsend...
Read MoreThis week the farm has undergone a full transformation and it feels we have emerged into another phase of the spring season. Ben (pictured above) and Jeff spent cumulative days on the tractor spreading the basis of our applied fertility- chicken manure in the form of dried pellets known as Nutririch. After spreading, we follow with another tractor pass, this time...
Read MoreReady, Set, Go! We are at that stage in the season where everything needs to be done at once: Transplant starts, seed starts in the greenhouse, irrigate, harvest, prep ground, move out and tag plant sales, go to market, pack CSA. Before we know it another week has gone by and more has gotten added to the to-do list than eliminated. Although there is so much to do,...
Read MoreWhile the weather has been wet and cold, when asked how the season is going, I can’t help but grin and say, “Great!”. Somehow we have been managing to take advantage of the dry-weather windows as they come, short as they may be. Currently we have salad mix, scallions, pac choi, radishes, Hakurei turnips, beets, carrots, peas, Walla Walla onions,...
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