
CSA Newsletter 9/19/18- Back to Our Roots

CSA Newsletter 9/19/18- Back to Our Roots

Early this year I had the opportunity to leave the “big city” of Seattle and return to my old stomping grounds and place I grew up, the Olympic Peninsula. I had experienced enough of the population density and I felt it was a good time to get back to my roots. I was lucky enough to find Red Dog Farm at just the right time, and was offered a summer job, for which I...

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Newsletter 9/12/18- Hats Off to the Crew

Newsletter 9/12/18- Hats Off to the Crew

It’s funny how time moves differently through the seasons of one’s life. At the moment, in my life, time feels like it is coming to a screeching halt. A lot of my job has to do with crops and when to harvest them. I spend time walking the fields looking at vegetables that won’t be harvested for 2-3 weeks, trying to anticipate their growth cycles. In the height of...

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Newsletter 9/5/18- Reemay Wrangling

Newsletter 9/5/18- Reemay Wrangling

The great David Allan Coe once sang, “Sometimes it seemed so useless to remain,” in the perfect country and western song. This may be the case for a country and western singer, but in the eyes of a farmer there’s always a reason to remain—still we sing the same tune, just a little differently. Our lyrics go, “Sometimes it seemed so useless to Reemay,” because,...

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Newsletter 8/29/18- Taking a Breath

Newsletter 8/29/18- Taking a Breath

Can anyone else smell the changing of seasons in the air? I am always amazed, each season, how something as intangible as the air we breathe can affect everyone so differently and deeply. For me, the transition into the fall season, breathes welcomed moments of reflection and freshness. As peak season has crept over its crest and is now descending into slower...

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8/22/18- The Fleet

8/22/18- The Fleet

The day-to-day tasks on the farm would never get done without the help of a small fleet of pickup trucks. We use these trucks for mostly hauling vegetables and crates around the 23-acre farm. The trucks are such an integral part of Red Dog Farm that it’s hard to imagine the place without them. The first truck ever used at Red Dog Farm is a purple 1997 Nissan that we...

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8/15/18- Coming Home to the Farm

8/15/18- Coming Home to the Farm

Hello CSA members and farm lovers. By now I have had the opportunity to speak to a few of you and am looking forward to meeting more of you as time goes on. I have recently taken over the post of Office Manager here at Red Dog Farm. Though the position is new to me, the farm is not as this summer marks my seven-year anniversary of my arrival at the farm. To say the...

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