When you think about home, what comes to mind? The promise of comfort, routine and contentment? A warm shower, a kettle atop the wood stove or tea before bed? It seems for a lot of folks that “home” is made of such niceties, but I could never quite find that sense of peace in such things. What about work? Is it just a state you find yourself in from 9-5 or that...
Read MoreI haven’t checked any records, but we here at the farm are feeling like this has been one of the best Octobers on record for beautiful weather. The sunny days have helped to keep spirits high as we feel the descent into winter: sitting outside at lunch in the sun, needing only to wear a hoodie in the afternoons to keep warm and having the fields dry enough to drive...
Read MoreTo most, the Red Dog Farm Stand is pretty straightforward. You drive up, park, and select your produce from the coolers. You tally your total, slip your payment into the secure box, and head out. For me though, the Farm Stand is often a source of mystery and wonder. I check on the vegetables in the morning when I arrive to work, and periodically throughout the day,...
Read MoreAutumn is here in full effect. It’s the season commonly associated with shorter days, colder nights, and colorful leaves. It’s during this time that we celebrate the successful crops of the summer and prepare for the unpredictable, harsh weather ahead. Oh, and football is back on television; however, that’s not what has gotten our attention here on the farm. We are...
Read MoreOne of the things I love best about farming is that there are always surprises. Even after farming for 20 plus years, and farming this land for 10 plus years, I learn new things daily, making new discoveries and connections, and sometimes completely shifting my understanding. This happens in big ways, sometimes, but mostly it happens in small ways, on a micro-scale....
Read MoreI am ready to release my final newsletter into the world as I jump into my last week of work at Red Dog Farm. I think it’s time to get nostalgic and emotional about all of my dear friends who make up the Red Dog Farm. Farming allows the space and time for intimacy and intention within your farming community and reflection on how you work with this community....
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