
CSA Newsletter 12/12/18- Winter Wonderland

CSA Newsletter 12/12/18- Winter Wonderland

Well, we knew it was coming, so it is not quite fair to say that winter “snuck up” on us, but after such a lengthy, lovely fall, that crisp, wintry air was certainly an awakening! With lows down into the teens at night we awoke to Center Valley dusted in a white, wintry mix nearly every morning last week. The frost was thick enough to trick you into thinking there...

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CSA Newsletter 12/5/18- 2018, The Journey

CSA Newsletter 12/5/18- 2018, The Journey

One of the best things about growing vegetables is how closely aligned with seasons we become as farmers. In the summer time when the sun stays high in the sky the crew is out in the field bringing in as much of the harvest as the day allows. In the winter the lack of sunlight, coupled with cold wet weather, means it’s time for the fields and weary farmers to take a...

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CSA Newsletter 11/28/18- An Ode to the Fields

CSA Newsletter 11/28/18- An Ode to the Fields

Nanci, Patsy, Joni, Loretta, Townes and Roscoe are all names that are frequently shouted over the radio and woven into daily conversations on the farm. These names are the landmarks to which we interact with each other and the many rows of vegetables. Each field expresses its own personality through the soil, the landscape, the size and the location. Patsy and Nanci...

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CSA Newsletter 11/21/18- Giving Thanks

CSA Newsletter 11/21/18- Giving Thanks

This time of year always causes me to pause and remember all of the things I have to be thankful for. Sometimes the most basic of things, like having clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe, and just being alive is truly something to remember not to take for granted! But more often my mind goes to the more peripheral and yet essential blessings of everyday farm...

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CSA Newsletter 11/14/18- Winter Migrations

CSA Newsletter 11/14/18- Winter Migrations

Fall is ending and winter is closing in fast. As temperatures change across the globe plenty of migratory birds are making their way to warmer weather. Some, such as the Trumpeter Swan, have already arrived and often stop in a neighboring field for rest, providing our lucky eyes with quite an astonishing sight. With a wingspan larger than seven feet, standing height...

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CSA Newsletter 11/7/18- The Coming Winter Rest

CSA Newsletter 11/7/18- The Coming Winter Rest

As the days have been getting shorter and grayer I have found myself wanting more sleep and I see this need to conserve energy in our crops too. There is still abundance in our fields, but the growth is slowing and it is clear that we are entering a period of rest as the winter approaches. After a summer packed full of long harvest lists and late evenings in the...

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