
A Taste of Summer

A Taste of Summer

After the soggiest start to a season we’ve had in a while, things are starting to look really abundant around here at Red Dog! As I walk the fields, I see the baby plant starts we recently transplanted growing big and strong as they soak up the glorious – albeit intermittent – sunshine. Such a colorful array greets the eyes – the gorgeous stems of red...

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What motivates you?

What motivates you?

In the midst of a Thursday transplant moment I found myself shuffling down a row, tucking delicata squash starts into the earth for the season. (If you pass by the farm on Center Road, the rows closest to the road will be one of our delicata squash lands this year.) I was amazed at how quickly my fellow farmers were hustling down the bed and got curious about what...

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Working on Grandpa the Tractor

Working on Grandpa the Tractor

There’s nothing quite like spring in the Pacific Northwest. Here at Red Dog the long days of late May are a blessing of light bestowed upon us all, and the cold rains and bitter winds really let you know you’re alive! Here in the shop the swallows watch with glib interest from their nest of molded mud, tucked up tight in the rafters, as the endless projects are...

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Finally Spring at Red Dog Farm!

Finally Spring at Red Dog Farm!

After one of the coldest and wettest springs of the last decade, it feels like spring is finally here in Center Valley. All this rain has added up to some difficulties, obstacles and delays for us—but with some adaption, perseverance and nice weather last week, the farm is kicking into full gear. Green fields are turning black as we incorporate the cover crops from...

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The Farmer’s Husband

The Farmer’s Husband

Everyone can probably picture an image of a farmwife, a female Jane-of-all-trades equally capable with animals, crops, children and housework. Well in my family, I’m the farmer and my husband, Andy, is the farmer’s husband. I don’t think he really knew what he was getting himself into when we fell in love. “A farm! How picturesque! We’ll eat well! We’ll have a...

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Learning Tulips

Learning Tulips

There’s something really special about farming in the way we can watch the seasons meet one another. When one thing ends, another begins! And, even when things don’t go according to plan, things still seem to fall into place. A lot in thanks to the adaptability and hard work of our crew, alongside flexibility built into our systems. Right now is a bittersweet time...

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