Thank You for a Wonderful Farming Year!

Thank You for a Wonderful Farming Year!

It’s hard to believe another season has come to an end already! This year concludes Red Dog Farm’s 16th season. You’d think that after 16 years, we would have figured out just about everything there is to know about growing and selling produce, but alas there are always more lessons to learn, trials to undertake and new projects to begin!

This year felt like a big learning year for me and the farm. I’m tired and ready for rest now, but already there is a spark of energy to take the lessons learned this season and apply them to making improvements for next year.

I am so thankful for all of you, our dear CSA members, for your support this season! You make this farm work. I hope that you enjoyed being a member this year and ate a healthier, more diverse and local diet as a result!

I am so thankful for our employees who work SO HARD to do all the things necessary for growing and distributing produce. From our 8-years-in production manager to folks who picked berries for a couple days in August, we needed every hour of your help!

I am so thankful for our many customers- market, Farmstand, accounts- whose support of the farm keeps us going. Whether you bought a single pint of berries, or devoted thousands of dollars of your grocery budget, you made a difference!

I thought you would enjoy reading a couple specs from 2023. This is by no means a conclusive list of anything, but who doesn’t like to see some big numbers?!

2023 Specs:
5,701 CSA shares
187 CSA members
57 Wholesale Direct accounts
20,529 lbs of loose greens (salad mix, arugula, etc.)
13,731 heads of lettuce
40,625 lbs of winter squash
11,138 bunches of carrots
21,217 bunched of kales/chards
39,500 tulips
24,984 plant starts for garden sales
759 flats berries
10 pigs
29 employees
25,817 hours of labor

We’ll be in touch in early 2024 with info about next year’s CSA program. I’m not expecting any big changes, but if there is anything you think should change, please be sure to fill out our CSA survey (link in a separate email). We so appreciate your suggestions and feedback!

I hope everyone enjoys a peaceful winter. Don’t forget to visit our Farmstand this winter to keep you and your families sustained until our CSA begins again in April.

With appreciation and warmth,